Rusk and Plateau 3/18/06 Last winter hike.

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May 28, 2005
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New Paltz, NY
Last winter hike of the season!!! It all started on Windham High Peak on 1/22/06 on a warm winter day for my first official winter peak even though the snow was scarce. With todays completion I managed to climb 29 of the 35. The last 6 will have to wait for next winter. With snowshoeing at a minimum, I enjoyed ever day out, even the rainy days. And to all the wonderfull people I hiked with on the trails and on this site. Thanks.

Todays trip went like this.
Crisp winter morning 25 deg and clear blue skies. Started out at the Spruceton Rd SP trailhead PA about 9:00. Followed the trail to the bridge that crosses the Hunter Brook. After crossing the bridge I headed North up the left side of the drainage. There was just small traces of snow and no ice. The woods were open and clear, but it was a steady climb. I hit the ridge about 1/2 mile East of the summit. From the ridge there were some good views looking across the valley to Westkill all the way to Hunter. Up on the ridge there was a 1" to 2" blanket of snow. I followed the ridge until I found the canister. There was one sign in for the day prior to me getting to the canister.

After a snack and quick drink I gathered my pack and headed down the ridge. By the time I got to the ridge where I was to start down the mountain, the blue skies had turned to complete overcast with a lite snow falling. The passing clouds only hung around for a little while. By the time I was back to the PA the blue had returned. I was back down by 12:00, and had to relocate for my next climb. Off to Mink Hollow Rd for Plateau.

I made it to Mink Hollow by 1:00 and set off again. Only one other car at the PA. It was a short hike up to the col between Sugarloaf and Plateau. Again this was a snow and ice free section. As I gained elevation on the DP a lite covering of snow developed. There was scatered patches of ice under the snow that tempted the need for crampons, but I resisted and just watched my steps. The climp up Plateau was short but steep. Upon reaching the summit I checked out the views to the East and continued on the ridge. There was pretty much all ice up on the ridge under about 1 - 2 in of snow. This was a nice level walk on the ridge, but a little disappointed about the lack of views. I ventured off the trail wherever I saw a bit of a clearing to catch a view through the trees.

After walking the ridge I turned around and started back. Again while on the ridge a lite snow started for a while just to remind me that it was still officially winter. The trail down was slow due to the ice since I still resisted putting on the crampons. I safely returned back to the PA by 5:00, for my last official winter hike for the season.

I had gotten a good workout on these two hikes, since I hiked with a full pack in preparation, for next week at this time I will be continuing my quest on the AT for a week long section down in North Carolina.
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Hey Doodles, good luck on your AT trip, maybe I'll join up with you next winter on some hikes...for now my weekends are full of kids sports..

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