S and M Carter via 19MBT, Carter Dome Trail, and Carter-Moriah Trail


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Sep 13, 2008
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White Mountains, NH
S and M Carter via 19MBT, Carter Dome Trail, and Carter-Moriah Trail -- 4/12/09

April 12, 2009

South and Middle Carter via 19MBT, Carter Dome Trail, and Carter-Moriah Trail

19MBT to Carter Dome Trail: rock, mud, monorail, ice. We used microspikes and were thankful for them. Snow was firm but icy.

Carter Dome Trail to Zeta Pass: cold temps made the snow firm. First third of trail looked like spring...firm monorail with bare ground on either side. Upper two thirds of trail looked like winter...firm white sidewalk all the way up to Zeta Pass. Microspikes worked perfectly. First water crossing very interesting, but do-able.

Carter Moriah Trail from Zeta Pass to South and Middle Carter...firm white sidewalk peppered with frozen postholes. Microspikes worked perfectly all day long.

Note that trees will smack you enthusiastically and repeatedly in the face the entire 1.2 miles between the two peaks. We were not amused.

Cold temps worked in our favor today -- wherever there was snow, it was a solid sidewalk.

LRiz and I cross-posted -- how we missed seeing her today, I've no idea!!
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