Saddle Ball,Greylock,Fitch,Williams 1/14-15 or 2/18-19

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
In other words, the AT south to north over Greylock.
Approx 8 miles Sat. to the Lean-to at Bellows Pipe and 7 miles out on Sun.
This looks like a great hike that I've never done. If you're interested, let me know which dates are better for you.
I'm bringing snowshoes and crampons.

Contingencies: we don need no STEEKIN CONTINGENCIES ! :eek: ;)

this is a map of the area (click on lower right corner to expand)
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I'd like to do this Jan 14 & 15th.
I'd be coming up Rt 7 EARLY on Saturday for an 8am start of the hike.
Let me know if you're interested. I'll go regardless of weather and would be just as happy if it's not ideal conditions.
I have extra crampons, a winter tent, extra bivy cover, extra VBL bag and sock liners, GPS, etc.
I'd expect you to have some winter experience, a warm winter bag and good snowshoes.

I'd like to spot a car at the opposite end.
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