There is still 2 feet of softening snow on the trail. I wore snowshoes most of the way and I was still postholing part of the time. There are also icy patches along the way. After leaving the first vista, tree boughs were at the level of my face and kept smaching me in the face.
It was difficult to find a place to cross the brook. On the way back, while standing at the edge of the brook on melting snow, I fell in up to my knees. One of my showshoes is still in the brook somewhere! Since I was aready wet I decided just to walk across the brook. The curent was so strong, that for a few minutes I started going downstream. I grabbed on to branch and pulled myself out. This was not one of my better hikes.
Snowshoes, poles, and sunscreen were essential.
It was difficult to find a place to cross the brook. On the way back, while standing at the edge of the brook on melting snow, I fell in up to my knees. One of my showshoes is still in the brook somewhere! Since I was aready wet I decided just to walk across the brook. The curent was so strong, that for a few minutes I started going downstream. I grabbed on to branch and pulled myself out. This was not one of my better hikes.
Snowshoes, poles, and sunscreen were essential.