Sandwich Mtn-Sandwich tr up-Drakes Brook dwn

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Date: 7/19/09

Trail conditions: Sandwich Mtn Tr up was fine - soft ground - avoidable mud in spots. Initial crossing of Drakes brook no problem with rock stepping and poles. Drakes Brook Tr was a smooth glide down, again with mud in spots but avoidable. Bugs around but apparently not too hungry.

Special equipment required: None

Comments: Met a fellow doing trial maintenance coming down on Drake's Brook. He's been watching over this trial for 22 years. He's a high topper and has been working on the county high topper list, having completed the states list. Thanks to such folk.
The weather was perfect - cool, dry and sunny. This is a nice hike - with some elevation gain, not too long, and generally good footing. The peaks - Noon peak, Jennings and the Sandwich Dome have nice lookouts and views. I was thinking that this would be an ideal winter hike on snowshoes.
At the summit met up with a threesome - one of whom thought I looked familiar - his next words were my name, a small world surprise. He worked part time at a small consulting company where I started work some 15 years ago around the time he was finishing grad school and heading off elsewhere. I didn't remember actually ever meeting him but we must have, if only briefly. For him to remember may face and name is impressive.