Santanoni Range, Sat. 9/5

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PA Ridgerunner

Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
In spite of a week of no rain, the Bradley pond trail was a muddy mess (as promised). It was a relief to get on the herd path headed toward Panther Brook. Little or no mud, a very scenic and pleasant path. The trail from Times Square to Couchie was also in fine shape, though it's a bit close especially up near the ridge and arms and legs could get scratched up. The bog is not all that bad. Go right down the middle, using trek poles to check for something to step on and you should be fine. Trail along the ridge to Santanoni is again pretty tight and the cripplebrush doesn't give an inch. A handful of little mud pits, but nothing major. The herd path that departs the ridge near the Santanoni summit is pretty steep and it's complicated by an inability to see your feet...very thick up top. A cliff on the descent is avoided by going to the left and flooding near the bottom is avoided by going right. Both of these hazards were brushed in, so if you just follow the path, you're good. No bugs all day!

Recommended equipment: waterproof boots, gaiters, trek poles, lots of water, headlamp (just in case)