Santanoni Range - This weekend

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
H: Allegany County, NY A: The Brothers
Many probably missed a previous sub-post under a Seymour hike thread, but...

I'm heading out with TeeJay and Harry?? to tackle the fun peaks of this range. The current plan is an overnight. Chance that we may start on Friday AM, depending on everyone's availability. Probable Sat --> Sunday hike.

This is 43, 44 and 45 for me in prep for my 46th on Marshall Sept. 24th. TeeJay is working his way up the list - not sure where he stands. Golden member Harry just wants to have fun... we lost two already -- they evidently couldn't take the heat!!

Chime in any preference. The challange is to make this hike FUN!!
I need Couchie. Do your plans take you over there as well? I'll be up from Friday the 29th to Sunday Aug 7th. (need 15 more in total). Let me know. Tx. Slamdog
Harry's got it right. I came on to see if any others would be around. TeeJay and I are planning on traveling in on Friday and heading into the L/T at Bradley Pond (maybe have a tent.. still reviewing options). Harry is going to get an early start and meet us for the hike and... believe this... go home and cut his lawn!! His priorities are messed up -- maybe a day in the woods will clear his mind and he'll come to his senses!!

No hurry to get out at this point and the plan would be to stay over a second night. Slamdog - you're welcome to join in -- we can do Couchy first if that helps your plan. Seems from an initial look that the weather may be with us. I'm hoping that the warm hot stuff has the trail a bit drier than usual.

Let us know - email or PM if you prefer. Remember we are out for FUN :D and more FUN :D in the Sant's!! (Harry has his reputation to uphold... as well as good words from us to ease his situation with Audrey...)
Everything looks good. I am heading to camp (Speculator) friday after work. I could meet HarryK sat am. Please clarify the dam/pond you are referring to, if you would. I'd come in to the leanto Friday night, but Wardy has our cache in the bog river right now, and is dropping it back to camp Sunday! Also, let me know what time you want me at the trailhead. I ususallly get on the road from Speculator about 430am, but can move earlier if needed. I have no concerns which trails we take as long as one of them leads over Couchie. We had to abandon last year after Santanoni and Panther. Let me know. I'll check the postings as the week goes by. Thanks much. slamdog
Excellent that this works out for you! The Pond/Dam is off the trail (left) leading to Bradley Pond L/T. It's right near where the side trail(less) heads over to the woods and up to Panther Brook up to Times Square and the rest. A bit before the landmark sway-back rock. Meeting Harry is probably logical - I'll let you two figure that out. TeeJay and I will be coming back to this spot from the L/T area not too far up the trail.

What was your first experience like? TeeJay said that he thought heading over to Couchy first was a decent plan, so at this point we'll pencil that in. I'm anxious to get up there and see what it's all about. I have yet to find a peak that I didn't like!!

Just tuned into the weather and we should be sitting pretty. Assume that there is plenty of water along the entire hike. Maybe with this hot weather the trail in will be a bit dry as well and the bog over to Couchy.
Assume that there is plenty of water along the entire hike.

you might want to plan to load up with water before Panther Brook peters out on the climb to Times Square. you won't find water above except Couch swamp which I'd avoid as a beverage.
hardrain said:
you might want to plan to load up with water before Panther Brook peters out on the climb to Times Square. you won't find water above except Couch swamp which I'd avoid as a beverage.

Good note from hardrain. Also, use Times Square as a water cache for your various runs out and back. If this weather keeps hanging around, you'll need plenty. Have fun!!!