Savage/Goback/Teapot info

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Sep 4, 2006
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Norwich, VT, Avatar: Look ma, no brains!
Does anyone have a detailed trip report or route suggestions for these burly northerners in stratford?

I could just go blindly, but I normally opt for just a moderate a**-kicking.
Oh, if you'd rather dissuade me, that's more than welcome too. Dunno what I'm thinking on this one!
Teapot et al.

There's another 3000 footer in there as well, E. Spruce, reached by a snowmobile trail. After a brick house, there is a poorly marked dirt road which leads up alongside a brook (to your left) and becomes impassable at an apparently abandoned cabin. cross the brook an dyou find yourself on a network of logging roads and skidpaths which lead upwards into a valley between E. Spruce and Savage. E. spruce is easy by following snowmobile trail but Savage is a little brushier and quite flat on top, making finding the register a bit of a challenge.
The direct route from Savage to Goback is very steep and sprucy, descending to the West before climbing goback seems to work better. It is more open woods with an inadequate col.
My recollection of the route over to Teapot is that it is pretty sprucy. On descendingpick up the logging roads/skidder path and return to where you crossed the brook.

a long but doable bushwhack
From Goback to the col between that and Teapot was quite open, there were even a few views through trees toward Blue/Gore. The woods are also open as you get closer to the logging road below them. I don't know how it is near Teapot because the person I was with insisted that it was pretty thick up there and we took a "shortcut" off of the ridge leading toward Teapot over to the ridge between Teapot and Goback - I still think I'd rather have taken my chances on the ridges (and bagged Teapot for my trouble at least). Oh well, it's an excuse to go back to "my" mountain :cool: