Save the Date Birding Event

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Aug 27, 2004
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There is going to be an Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Dec 17 2005. This site has a ton of info-

The CBC is a citizen based activity. People of all levels of experience will go out in a prescribed cricle and identify and count birds. The circle is 7.5mi radius and set on My Willard in Crawford Notch NH. It includes the Southern Presidentials, Nancy Pond, A large chunck of the Pemi...beaver ponds, small lakes, streams rivers etc.

The AMC is promoting the event and will have an announcement out shortly. Some of the leaders will be important experts from Pondicherry. We will be on trails and participants with cold weather experience would be helpfull.

This is the first time this area has a had a CBC. We were just approved last week. The time is just before any peaks will count for your winter list and just after you are sick of Holiday shopping.

Ways to respond are forthcoming. In the mean time one can contact me, let me know your level of experience.