Scar Ridge June 2nd

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Aug 4, 2011
Reaction score
Stratham, NH
Scar Ridge via Loon ski trails, herd path (back country ski cut) and bushwhack 6/2/13.

Loon ski runs are dry and grassy (watch for ticks). Herd path/ski cut entrance at the top of Upper Walking Boss is marked with a cairn. The woods were dry, at least until the skies opened up later in the afternoon.

Special equipment needed: bug spray, sun block and lots of extra water to wet down your long sleeves and pants on this hot day. Leave trekking poles at home. They are nice for descending the ski runs but just get in the way on bushwhack descent, not a good tradeoff in my opinion.

Special thanks to bryan for the GPS track. We used it on the way up to be certain we stayed relatively on target. And thanks to D&D for reminding me not to bring any cherished wearing apparel - particulary when we chose the "spruce" route on our descent.

Didn't see any others hiking today. The bugs were fierce, particularly on the shady side of the ski runs. Couldn't get the canister down or open - we tried our Leatherman, tapping it, moving it back and forth - wouldn't budge. Late afternoon t-storm came crashing down just as we passed Loon's maintenance area. Many thanks to hotel's guests for allowing us to take refuge at the indoor pool, and for insisting we use the locker room to clean the blood off our faces (bug bites).