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It was posted to the NYNJTC facebook page I think yesterday or a few days before....

Is food scarce this summer? The last time I remember bears visits increasing at Boy Scout Camp and going into towns in the Dacks was a poor berry year.
Anecdotal again, but our apple and crab apple trees are COVERED this year, I've never seen more fruit on the trees. This is the time of year Yearlings are kicked out, that's probably what we saw on I91 a couple weeks ago. I'm sure many water sources are low, so they may be moving.
Population + Habituation + Appetition = Confrontation © ;)
It's an interesting year to say the least. In many places in the NE especially upstate NY many records were broken for the wettest Spring on record. Then the rain turned off so to speak and has been very dry for the most part.