Seek The Peak Event for Mt. Washington Observatory

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2004
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Danvers, MA Avatar: The Wave, AZ
Has anybody done this event in the past? Seems like it would be a fun enough time, although it will obviously cause the mountain to be even more of a zoo for the day. I've never done anything on that side of the mountain either, so that's a plus for me.

Anybody done this before, or is planning on doing it this year? It's Saturday, the 24th of July.

P.S. This question is not meant to create a discussion on the merits/operations of the observatory!
have done a nice event to see so many hikers at the crowded summit..While i will do the event again because..well why talking with other participants it seems funny that there is no promo of the event on the summit, welcoming table, or anything like that for hikers who make it to the summit..Sure the cookies and brief tour are nice but to me it seems the Obs missing a good PR thing here and getting our photos out there..

afterwards feed and raffle pretty good down below..but even then.....I think they should do their event on the summit..nice turkey dinner to get us all pumped up for the slippery slide down...

good time good cause..could be done better..
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In terms of finding insights for STP, I think ROT might be of use. My two cents...
I did it with Kevin, Judy and Emma last year. They are big supporters of this event and go every year. We went up Boott Spur, which wasn't too crowded, and over to the summit from there, just joining up with the throngs on the short section of Tuckerman Ravine trail near the summit. Lots of people on that trail, more than I'd ever seen anywhere on a hike. The meal afterwards was great - catered by Hart's Turkey Farm (?) I think. Not too hard to get over there if you start hiking from Pinkham Notch. ;)
Seek the Peak

Sorry for the late entry. I just came across this.

Jude, Emma and I have participated in this 8 of the 9 years it has been in existence. The event has grown substantially and I expect it to be bigger than ever in this, its tenth year. From our 1st rain-soaked hike in 2001 where we joined about 80 other hikers, most of whom had better sense than I and turned back before the summit, to last year where there were over 300 participants, we have always looked forward to this great event.

Not all participants are great hikers and there are many levels of ability represented in this hike from those who can run the mountain in under 2 hours to those that make the climb and have other arrangements to get down. Many simply hike to spots like Harvard Rock, Lion Head, Hojo's, Lowe's Bald Spot and similar places simply to take in the beauty of this extraordinary place.

Yes, Pinkham Notch and the summit are a zoo on this day, as they are on any given summer weekend, but there are several options and those who know the mountain can still find relatively uncrowded trails such as Boott Spur, Nelson Crag and for the more experienced, Huntington Ravine. Some even carspot and come over from Ammo and Jewell. I have met and made friends with people from Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and even Florida. Some folks come from even further away than that to show their support for the Obs.

The whole idea behind this event is to raise money for the non-profit organization the Mount Washington Observatory. You may well ask, why? I can only speak from my own experience in that the Obs provides me with accurate, up to the minute data as well as forecasts for Mount Washington and the surrounding White Mountains at absolutely no cost to myself. This has helped me plan literally hundreds of mountain trips over the course of many years, and saved my butt on more than one occasion. Yes, there are other places to get this information, but they aren't in the White Mountains. Who better to give me a weather forecast than someone who is standing on the summit of Mount Washington with all the necessary instruments at their disposal?

The annual Seek the Peak event has become a pilgrimage for us. We have raised several thousand dollars over the years with help from many on these forums. It is our way of giving back to an organization which has given us so much and needs our support to stay in existence. Yes, the event is not perfect as some have said, but they do listen to suggestions for improvement and have made huge strides in doing just that. In my own opinion the event is worth joining just for the apre' hike dinner provided by Hart's Turkey Farm.

For more info visit:

If you cannot join the event please consider supporting a hiker, (or their dog!)

I've only done it once, about ten years ago, but it was a fun zoo. I was playing the role of "helper" and believe I was of some help, in addition to spending the night in the group campground and having a real reason (like anyone needs to have one?) to climb to the top and back.
I too am a regular participant in this event having done it 7 times now. It really is a lot of fun and I've met all kinds of folks. The after hike activities are a blast (even though they are not vegetarians or vegan friendly:() and it's fun to see the folks who raised the highest amounts. My only concern as the event grows is the impact on the mountain. I have suggested (and been ignored...) that the observatory should take some of that money raised and put it back into trail maintainence or some other activity to help counteract the negative impact of all those feet in one day!