Self-heating Trail food?

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Mar 29, 2005
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Has anybody ever tried any of these while on the trail or at the summit? I bought the Chicken Pasta Parmesan last night and plan to give it a shot next time hiking. They sound similar to the MRE's we had in the Army. I think these are pretty new on the civilian market, I was just wondering what anybody who has tried them thought.

If nobody has tried them then I'll be the guinea pig. If you don't hear from me for a long while, you'll know why. ;)
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They sound like a great thing to take along for a winter day hike (perhaps as a "just in case thing", given the cost). For other purposes, I'm a little too weight obsessed to take a food item that gives me 25 calories/ounce unless its incredibly good. There's also the price.

I'll look forward to your report.
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I have tried something similar, in a package. It was nice to have a warm meal on a cold day but it wasn't particularly tasty given the extra weight and cost. So, nice to have but I won't buy it again because it wasn't worth it to me. Let us know what you think of it.

WhiteMTHike said:
I bought the Chicken Pasta Parmesan last night and plan to give it a shot next time hiking.

Carla and I had the same one on the summit of Cascade a few years ago. We bought it on a whim, didn't think it would really be any good. We were impressed, tho. It got very hot, almost too hot, and we thought it tasted pretty good for what it was. Not something I would normally bring along, as pedxing mentioned it is not light, .......... but it does make a quick, easy, and convenient meal in cold weather.
Sounds like they would be really nice for winter hiking and even alpine skiing. The cost of food is prohibitive at the resorts and you could have a nice hot meal to enjoy for lunch or apres-ski.
What is 'Homestyle Chicken Booyah'?

And why am I eating it if the USPS won't ship it to me?

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