Seward, Donaldson, and Emmons via Caulkins Brook

  • Thread starter VanHalenOfJones
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Date of Hike: July 30th, 2010

Trail Conditions:
-Seward Range parking lot to junction with Caulkins Brook truck path: Took the horse path instead of the hiker path. Only a few muddy stretches that a good pair of waterproof hiking boots would still handle. Otherwise, dry.
-Caulkins Brook Truck path to start of Caulkins Brook herd path: I recall only one long muddy stretch (~100 yards) that hiking boots could still make it through.
-Caulkins Brook herd path to junction with Seward ridge: A very enjoyable, nicely cushioned herd path. Easily crossed brook crossings. A few steep and/or muddy sections, but mostly up towards the ridge, and are still manageable.
-ridge junction to Seward summit: More up-and-down than the map would make it seem, and the low points are muddy and puddled.
-ridge junction to Donaldson summit: very brief stretch of trail, but pretty muddy.
-Donaldson summit to Emmons summit: VERY muddy for prolonged periods until the col, but then it improves towards the summit of Emmons.

Special Equipment Required:
-Waterproof boots - helpful (though one of my hiking partners made it through with sneakers)
-Gaitors - very helpful, to avoid jumping between wet logs for dozens of yards at a time.

Comments: It seems like the herd paths on the Seward ridge don't follow the logical route - they don't stay on the exact ridge between summits (perhaps the paths developed from exact compass bearings between summits). So, there is more of a descent and ascent between Donaldson and Emmons, and more up-and-down between Donaldson and Seward, but both stretches are relatively tame as far as Adirondack cols go.

Steve Tulowiecki
[email protected]