Seward on Dec. 21, 2009

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Feb 5, 2009
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Conditions:* Access to "summer parking" is still possible, but an AWD vehicle is the best.* Please park parallel to other cars to maximize the available spaces.* Trail to Caulkins Brook is well-packed.* Up Caulkins Brook trial to the Seward-Donaldson intersection is in excellent shape as is the trail from there to the summit of* Seward.* The last view yards to the summit is icey and caution is needed.

Special Equipment:* The usual supplies/equipment for extreme winter conditions are needed.* Snowshoes were used all along the way.* No need for crampons.

Comments:* This was a great winter climb with excellent conditions.* Temps started out at -2 oF and "warmed" to around 18 oF, but summit conditions with wind-chill are brutal (at least -25 oF on this day).* Be prepared!* This was 42 of my 46W and I was glad I had the strength and endurance to make it to the top.* Met lots of fine folks who were out for their adventures. DLewicki