Sewards and a moose, Dec. 31.09

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Sep 8, 2003
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Road is getting narrow but was no problem with our 4x4. It was very quiet on the last day of the year at the Sewards summer trailhead. Most likely to make sure climbers would not park on the road the Ampersand Caretaker had ploughed the entrance of the parking lot leaving a snow bank as a gate to the official summer parking area. Therefore at the moment there is only parking for about 4 cars if one is careful not to block exit to another and parking for a few more if you don`t care spending the night waiting for chauffeur to be back from peak bagging...

Lucky for us as we drove in the morning a moose likely heard our vehicle from afar and instead of charging decided to run into the woods and was standing there, 35 feet away at the most, from behind its head turned towards us it was, even almost knee high in snow, quite a sight! One more thing to worry about while travelling Coreys` Road...

The herdapths to Emmons and Seward were in the best ever conditions, the butt slides as numerous as awesome and the scenery picture perfect. And kudos to the duo who broke trail to Seward the first day of winter as it must have been a tough adventure the snow is so deep and the trees above 4100
under tons of snow and ice. Nevertheless the grove is shallow and it will take very little snowfall or wind to obstruct the various tunnels and erase the tracks in the open areas. Again thanks to all the trailbreakers for allowing Gary, Alex and I to spend the last day of the year savouring the Sewards one very last time!

Back at the trailhead 10 hours later, very pleased with ourselves, and expecting to find DEC waiting for us with Champagne and caviar we were somewhat disappointed that only darkness and desolation were ready to celebrate the New Year with us...