Shepherd's Tooth

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Explorer Editor

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Sep 4, 2003
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Saranac Lake
I recently climbed Shepherd's Tooth from Iroquois. I remember reading that some guys gave out patches to those who visited it. Can someone tell me if they still are and, if so, how to apply for one?
Phil - There used to be a plastic jar in the center of the summit cairn with postcards in it - you filled one out, sent it to the Buffalo Boys, and they sent back a patch and a history of the "peak" - it was pretty interesting. But the "register" disappeared a number of years ago, and I don't know if the Buffalo Boys are still around. I have a scan I have of the patch and the two-page history. If you're intersted, pm me and I'll answer back and attach it to that.
We did it about 4 years ago and there was no canister there. Things could have changed since but we have our patch. Here's the address to get your patch: The Buffalo Boys PO Box 80 North Creek, NY 12853
I can confirm that there is nothing in or around the cairn on the Tooth. I was up there last month. Thank you for the information.
Explorer Editor said:
I recently climbed Shepherd's Tooth from Iroquois. I remember reading that some guys gave out patches to those who visited it. Can someone tell me if they still are and, if so, how to apply for one?
no more p.o. box (probably because they are now $20 year instead of $6.75?)

Shepherd’s Tooth Patches are available from:

The Buffalo Boys
1473 River Road
North Creek, N.Y. 12853

Let them know when you climbed it and with who you climbed.
They would like a “donation” for the patch (I sent $5).
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Can anyone tell me the history behind the patch? I have been to the tooth and it was a nice outcrop and everything but I think I'm missing something regarding all the interest generated by it. Perhaps it's the remoteness and relative difficulty in getting there. Or the views of Wallface and environs? Or the shwack down towards Marshall? All of the above?