Skookumchuk on a perfect summer day

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Aug 16, 2005
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Monadnock Region
This is the summer for completing things, tying up loose ends. I’m finally finishing one of the quilts I’m making, sewing the binding on it. I’m near completion of the NH48. And today I finally completed a trail I attempted in Dec 2005, but never finished. During that month, the Skookumchuk trail had lots of snow on it. Sticks and I attempted to hike it, and were awestruck by its beauty, artfully designed crystal icicles dangling from logs over the brook as if Mother Nature had hung them there as Christmas decorations. But the temperature dropped from 20 degrees at the trailhead to 10 degrees within sight of the ridge, and Sticks had grown his own icicles on his mustache. I felt like a battery drained of its energy in the cold, and knew then that if I spent my remaining energy making it to the top, I’d have none left to come down. Going up is optional; coming down is mandatory. We turned around. But I had been thinking of Skookumchuk ever since.... today I chose to finish what I had once started, and headed for Skookumchuk. The trail was in great shape today. I actually made it to the ridge, although I have to admit that I think I was just as exhausted as I had been in Dec 2005. I now think that the snow didn’t make as much of a difference as I thought; the trail itself is just exhausting, no matter what season! I'm amazed we got as far as we did that December. The difference for me today, though, was not having to deal with the cold. The weather was PERFECT! I took the Garfield Ridge trail to North Lafayette and then Lafayette. That trail was also great and the views were awesome! A few bugs were annoying on the summit, but a light breeze kept them at bay. I went down the Greenleaf trail to the hut, refilled one water bottle, and then continued on the Greenleaf trail to the Cannon Tramway area, then walked the bike path back to my car. All the trails were in great shape, although the Greenleaf trail is very rocky. I am so tired! I was invited to attend a meeting this morning at work. I am SO GLAD I passed! I can’t imagine a better way to spend a PERFECT summer day than hiking!