Skylight and Gray, Feb. 20

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Another day of perfect conditions, we(Inge, Carl, Gary, Alex and I) had bigger plans that included Marcy but after nearly loosing Gary on Skylight, the visibility and wind was so bad we could barely see each other, we scaled down the program. Thanks to Inge who not only flew up to the summit of Gray but was able to break trail following the summer herdapth we easily bagged a second peak. Wind and new snow had completed erased previous tracks and conditions this year make true bushwhacking a nightmare! As a bonus we were able to take the delightful new by-pass, saving us a few broken legs as it is right now a rather impressive icy chute, that weakling like us find impossible to scale without risking our life...
Even though we chose the tough route in and out, via Lake Arnold, we were very pleased with ourselves to have only spent 10h15m out there today!