Sleepers on 11/13

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poison ivy

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Mansfield, MA Avatar: Mt. Whitney, CA
I'm thinking about hiking to the Sleepers on Sunday... anyone else interested? If we have enough to do car spots, I'd love to do a traverse by coming up Whiteface and heading out via the South Slide & Livermore Road. But I'd be just as happy doing the traditional out-and-back route with some company too! :)

If anyone is interested, please let me know and we can work out the details! :)

- Ivy
bobandgeri said:
Have you thought about and out and back starting at Livermore Road?

Yes, that was my original plan... but I figured I'd shoot for the crazier idea first. :) That route would probably be my preference if we end up doing and out-and-back trip instead.

- Ivy
poison ivy said:
But I'd be just as happy doing the traditional out-and-back route with some company too! :) /QUOTE]

I did this last July using Livermore, Scaur Ridge, Kate Sleeper trail out and back and down the via the south slide trail back to the Livermore trail. This was a nice way to do it, but leave early and bring headlamps this time of year! The E. Sleeper summit is easy to find and marked, and Kate Sleeprer trail was a nice trail to hike on.
We're in for this one as well as the hike to Sandwhich Dome on Saturday. Some of us will be camping Sat night at the Branch Brook Campground in Campton. Geri is brining the marshmellows - MichaelJ is in charge of the fire. No rain this time!!
would love to join you but won't be able to this weekend. have fun guys!!
Sorry you can't make it. It just means we'll spend the trip gossiping about you!

(I am, of course, kidding ... it's LenDawg we'll trash-talk the whole way :))
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Pups are more than welcome!

After much consideration, I'm going to go with the out-and-back via Livermore Road, as several have suggested is a less crazy route. :) I'll be back with a start time later on today.

- Ivy

Edited to add: I'm going to plan to be at the trailhead at 7:30 a.m. Anyone who wants to arrive later can certainly do so -- it's not difficult to catch up to me! :)
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