Daniel Doan trail wet in most places, slick on the steeps. Many blowdowns further up and the walkarounds often consisted of unstable ground and rocks (lots of rotting stumps). As we passed the firewarden's cabin and continued on to the AT, there is a mess of blowdowns at the junction of the AT/Clark Pond Loop. We missed the turn at the sign. Fortunately the Loop has signs at the beginning stating "This is not the AT!" Unfortunately the Clark Pond Loop stretch of trail is a tangled mess of downed trees. AT portion of the hike needs some trail maintenance; we removed some of the smaller branches.
No special equipment needed. In fact it wasn't buggy enough to bother putting any repellent on.
No wind today and the rain held off. We went up Daniel Doan and down the AT. The Appalachian trail portion of this hike was quite an improvement after dealing with bootsucking mud, wet slimy rocks and rotting earth of the Doan trail!
No special equipment needed. In fact it wasn't buggy enough to bother putting any repellent on.
No wind today and the rain held off. We went up Daniel Doan and down the AT. The Appalachian trail portion of this hike was quite an improvement after dealing with bootsucking mud, wet slimy rocks and rotting earth of the Doan trail!
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