This was discussed long (and loud) last year. Search for the threads if you care to read all the posts. You are required to possess *and wear* snowshoes or skies in winter. I agree that it does seem strange to require it on all hikes, on all days, on all trails.
There are many times when the ADK trails are hard packed and snowshoes are just extra weight. I think, however, that the rule is more or less a good one, because of many factors, such as postholing ruining the trails, quickly changing conditions, safety, etc. I tend to wear mine quite a bit more than some other people. Partly I figure if I'm bringing a piece of gear, I might as well use it! It spreads the weight of my gear out a little in any case. And the added safety is a plus. If you watch barebooted hikers, they tend to slip just a little bit on each step. And over 8 hours, that can add up!