Snowpack/Ice Situation in ADK High Peaks?

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2005
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The Hinterlands of North Central MA
I've got a long weekend coming up in two weeks and am hoping to get out and do some backpacking.

Does anyone know how the ADK High Peaks are looking right now since the last week of warm weather -- in terms of ice cover/snow cover/open herd paths over summits on Marcy, Algonquin?

I was bushwhacking in the Sentinels (in the high peaks area) on Tuesday (3/28) and there was plenty of snow above 2800+ or so. On top of Slide and Kilburn (both around 3600'-3800') there was upwards of around 3+ feet of snow. We were off trail and there was certainly needed snowshoes. I would guess that the warm weather since that time probably put a big dent in that.

Under cover of trees I'm sure there still a decent amount. Any place in the in sun I bet are pretty melted.
I skied Marcy on the 31st and was on my skis by the junction with the trail to Phelps - didn't take them off till I was about 100 yds from the summit. Certainly on that trail, it's going to be snow covered for some time, there was gobs of it all the way up. And as it melts, look for lots of mud!

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