Snowshoer Burns Cash To Stay Warm

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Another well-written press story. (sarcasm intended)

"Because Kim was the leader of his group, other snowshoers weren't able to accurately describe where he had slipped, Taylor said."

Like the old adage, "Do not lead, I may not follow. Do not follow, I may not lead."

I'm glad Kim was fine when rescued, and I'm sure the writer meant to tell us that the other snowshoers where unsure of where they were when the leader had fallen. On Rainier, that wouldn't be so unusual.
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"Because Kim was the leader of his group, other snowshoers weren't able to accurately describe where he had slipped, Taylor said."
I teach a course in backcountry navigation. One of my opening points I spend some time on is regarding why everyone should learn navigation skills, and to always pay close attention to your location even when following a "leader", is exactly for this point. You never know when your your leader might become disabled, or alternatively if they are less competent than they claim and are leading you astray.
What a hoot. This guy looks as tough as nails to me.
Happy they found him and he certainly must have enjoyed that cup of coffee. :)