Soda Range - 8/11

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Puma concolor

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Peaks summited: Big Crow, Nun-da-ga-o, Weston

Fantastic morning for some open ridge hiking in the Soda Range. Killer views slowed me down quite a bit ... due to excessive lingering, it took about 4.5 hours to cover the 7 mile hike. Lots of solitude.

Not a lot to report in terms of trail conditions. I found the "unmaintained" path along the spine of the Soda Range to be very well-maintained and free of blowdown. Route skirts some ledges in the vicinity of the Nun-da-ga-o summit and beyond so it's probably best not to be careless. Based on a suggestion from another VFTTer, I took a gander at the bushwhack from Weston to Peaked Mountain but ultimately decided to leave well enough alone.

Found a silver horseshoe earring as well. Not anything expensive, but nice enough for someone to have been wearing. E-mail [email protected] if it's yours and I'll mail it back to you. Otherwise, I have a new lucky charm. :)
Nice trip and trip report. Just a terrific place to hike. Not positive, but have heard that former DEC Ranger and legend, Peter Fish keeps the trail open.
Thanks for sharing.