SOLO WFA/CPR & WFR/CPR Recertification.

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Sep 4, 2003
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Thornton, NH
PSU’s Adventure Center is offering the WFA/CPR and the WFR/CPR Recertification on May 24th & 25th 2011.

Although I still have another year on my WFR before I have to recertify, my CPR certifications runs out this year so I might as well do both. I thought I would give you a heads up if you plan to take the course and Conway is too far to travel.
Advanced WFA in Maine

The AMC Maine chapter has an AWFA course with SOLO instructors on April 30 & May 1 in Scarborough, Maine. To take the advanced course, you must have a valid WFA certification (taken w/i the past 2 years). For info, check out the AMC Event Listings.
Waterville Valley

It's a ways out but we'll be having another WFA, CPR and recert for WFR here in November. It's become an annual thing for us. The first time we held it was a January. Fun in the snow and all, but....
We'll be posting stuff and will be on the SOLO site once we get closer to the date.

There's a SOLO WFA here April 16 & 17th presented by the CT AMC.

The White Memorial facility, grounds, food, etc are AWESOME. Worth the money and the trip if you are only even mildly interested.
Thanks Chip. I need both CPR and WFA mine have expired. The classes offered in NH are offered on weekdays, so this is perfect.
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