some pics of ken holmes

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yes i hear from Melissa. She is still pretty sad but likes when people remember him. The kids hike at monadnock some, and the rangers got them their own uniforms.
dr_wu002 said:
It took me a second to remember who he was.
It took me zero seconds to remember ... a tragedy seared in my memory. "There but for the grace of God ... ".

Many of us, even those as old and out of shape as I am, attempt to test our limits. Let us all remember that this is a potentially fatal pursuit. The challenge is to approach our limits but not to exceed them. Alas, easier said than done.
ya know--i'm just gonna say it. this post is both kinda cool and creepy at the same time--but mostly creepy. i don't know about this one. . .this is the guy who froze right? a ranger or something? i really have reservations about postin' pictures and all. . .

just my opinion though. . .
Tonight, my wife was watching the movie about flight 93 from 9/11 and I couldn't stomach it and left the bedroom to work on the computer. Then I viewed these pictures. What a gut check! Bottom line, every day is precious. I'm glad I looked at the pics, it really helps to put things in to perspective. Next time I can't hike cause I have to do something with or for my kids, I'll be thankful that I'm with my kids.......
Periwinkle said:
It's a good reminder. And even better, to remember and honor the memory of your friend.

That's just it! How does one forget a dear friend... tragedy or not? Even as time passes, we still miss them and cherish the memories we made with them.

I commend Hikerfast for remembering Kenny Holmes during this 2-year anniversary of his death. When I look at those pics, I get the sense that Kenny lived a full life with family, work and his passion which he loved (hiking) until the end.

Let us learn from his life and take whatever lessons we may be able to draw from it!
Never really knew Kenny,but we're friendly with Andrew,who I believe was the last one to see him,when he dropped him at the trailhead. Really a sad story.
We read of other accounts of tragedies,both here,and in other publications,or see them on TV. It never really registers until it's first hand knowledge,and then it hits you.
This is serious stuff,and the margins can be slim,particularly in winter.
This hit home for me a couple of years ago when Jason Gaumond(known here as the original Jaytrek) perished near Mt. Washington after falling in winter. Just a few days before, we had been e-mailing to plan a trip together-and then he was gone. I was stunned.