south baldhead 5/31/13

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Mar 2, 2004
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southeastern, nh
date: 5/31/13

trails: cohos trail/kelsey notch trail, bushwack

conditions: i left my car in the same place i did for dixville peak which is right at the corner of west branch road and the atv/snowmobile road the cohos trail follows (old kelsey notch road) that continues into kelsey notch. to drive any farther in on the atv road is just asking for trouble, but a 4 wheel drive could do it. biggest issue would be finding a place to turn around. the atv road was a bit wet and slighly muddy to where the cohos trail turns off of it in kelsey notch and follows an old road for a bit. this section was quite muddy and wet. the footbed got nicer on the way towards baldhead alternating between dry trail and wet muddy sections. the footbed was often faint, but the trail was well blazed. i did still walk off of it in a couple of spots and had to correct myself. some steeper climbing lead to the baldhead shelter which had a limited view to mt. muise. from near the shelter a short bushwack roughly north through open woods leads the highpoint of south baldhead.

equipment: nothing in particular.

comments: though the heat of the day really began taking its toll this was a nice hike through pretty remote country with some good views from old cuts along the way. on the way down i nearly tripped over a porcupine who was right next to the trail. he didn't much appreciate my intrusion. i imagine he doesn't see many people. a nice hike to cap off a great day up north.


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