South/Middle Carter 19 mile up and Imp down, 2/8/09

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Trail Conditions: pretty well packed snow from prior snowshoers, a few stray bare boot postholing noted. Up on the ridge between South and Middle, the trail was somewhat drifted over from the wind, but still visible.
We went up 19 mile brook trail-over South Carter, across the ridge, over Middle Carter, then down Imp trail...the trail sign is nearly covered by the snow depth...pretty neat!
We started in rain, then sleet, then snow and finally some sunshine with strong winds that nearly knocked us over on the ridge.

Special Equipment Required: started in Kahtoolas (microspikes), then switched to snowshoes and we stayed in those the rest of the day. No need for crampons, left those behind. Poles always helpful!

Your name: Toad, Hosesucker and Skip

Your E-mail address: [email protected]