South Turner and whack to North Turner yesterday (Maine)

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May 26, 2015
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Brattleboro, Vermont
My wife and I are on a little whackation in Whackxter State Park.
I would say South Turner has the best postcard view of Katahdin. Great perspective of both Baxter and Hamlin peaks.
It took me 2.5 hours to whack from S. Turner to North. The woods were surprisingly better than what I prepared for. I would say they were predominantly moderate woods. Some thick spots and also some mature forest open spots. But overall moderate woods which really weren’t too bad. No bugs, perfect sunny weather, steady breeze. Great day to do this hike.

Upon arrival to the summit of North Turner I was greeted by a large adult black bear chomping on delicious Maine blueberries, totally zoned out eating and oblivious to my presence.
I made sure the bear put on his COVID face mask and I waited for a few minutes giving him plenty of distance. Then I clapped my hands and he took right off.
North Turner is yet another open Baxter Summit with ridiculously amazing views. The jar had recently been replaced - maybe 2 years old - and had only a half dozen entires or so.
I followed a high ridge back down to the Russell Pond trail, staying above the main drainage between the two Turners which I surmised might be thick. This route was great, fairly open woods all the way back to the trail. I have now finished all 17 Baxter mountains above 3k.
Any sign of a flagging in between the two summits?. There was potential trail to connect the dead end Katahdin Lake trail to the Russell Pond trail proposed at one point but it got sidelined due to the the Abol and Dudley reconstruction, a change of managers and I expect the proximity to the National Monument
No sign of flagging or herd trail evidence between the two summits. No sign of human activity whatsoever. Felt really remote and wild.
Nothing but bears, woods and blueberries!