SPNHF nature hike, Green Mtn, 8/12/06


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Free Public Presentation and Field Trip
Protecting the Dearborn Trail on Green Mountain

Saturday, August 12, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.


The Dearborn Trail ascends the east side of Green Mountain, leading hikers from Hobbs Road gradually and then steeply along a ridge to spectacular views from the summit fire tower. The Society is working to raise additional funds to secure permanent protection of the 87-acre tract which contains the unprotected, lower reaches of the Dearborn Trail. We hope to purchase the tract and improve public access, create trailhead parking and install a kiosk and signs. Protection of the tract will extend the High Watch Preserve to 1,868 acres, making it the Forest Society’s fourth largest Forest Reservation.

9 a.m.: Forest Society staff will give an informal, outdoor presentation on the history and protection of Dearborn Trail and plans for recreational upgrades to signs, gates and the trailhead parking area. All are welcome to attend to learn more.

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Guided Hike with a naturalist. Difficulty rating: Strenuous; Uphill climb or bushwacking involved

Co-sponsored by Green Mountain Conservation Group.
RoySwkr said:

Yes, there is an uphill climb, but that doesn't equal "strenuous" for many VFTT'ers. This is really just a pleasant walk in the woods up a hill on a lightly traveled Trail to an excellent Fire Tower panorama. I filed a Trail Condition for it just the other day, in fact.

Thanks to Roy for posting this - I'm sure it will be worthwhile.