springtime! time to think about the botany season...


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New member
Sep 1, 2004
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Goffstown, NH Avatar: No Once-lers or thneeds
OK, I'm going on a bunch of botany hikes this year in NH and western Maine (and maybe VT). I probably won't post the specifics on this board (some locations are sensitive), but if you've got some interest, PM me and I will let you know what my plans are.

The only specific place I'll mention is Pawtuckaway State Park; I counted 17 tree species while there in January & was there briefly last August, enough to indicate that it's a site with a lot of variety & I'd like to visit there a few times this year.

other locations include certain places in the Mahoosucs & Presidential ranges. If there's a particular plant species you'd like to see, let me know. General schedule is southern NH until May, northern NH thereafter.