squatters in the woods


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quiet sun

New member
Mar 23, 2005
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I live near a trailhead and it seems there are some people living in the woods on state land. I know they are living there i've checked out their site. Each morning they leave and everynight they return. I don't know what to do but it concerns me.
I've heard of this too- in other places.
Maybe they are down on their luck and need to squatuntil they get it together.

Are they doing anything really evil- poaching game, cooking meth, etc.?

You could call the rangers.
quiet sun said:
I live near a trailhead and it seems there are some people living in the woods on state land. I know they are living there i've checked out their site. Each morning they leave and everynight they return. I don't know what to do but it concerns me.

This is far more common than most people realise - there are a lot of poor people in our country that can't afford housing :( Our government doesn't like to publicize it and they're not glamorous/extreme enough for much TV coverage but they exist....

I know there are homeless people in the Appalachian Mountains, a few have been reported using AT shelters from time to time. I have also heard reports of hobos in the Whites and the Catskills. I think it would be hard to tell them apart from thruhikers in a lot of cases.

As far as what to do about them.... live and let live is my motto. Poor people have just as much right to exist as rich people IMHO. I know this might be an unfashionable sentiment in our consumption driven society :rolleyes:, but unless you think they pose some sort of threat I wouldn't bother them. For most of human history the woods have been used as a refuge by folks fleeing difficult circumstances of one sort or another.
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'There's an exception to every rule'......I myself would attempt to gain their trust and befriend them if it appeared they were merely living there. Perhaps you could help with food and water and carry litter out. The vast majority of non-hiking people would not choose to live in such conditions without it being a financial necessity. Perhaps they are just fellow humans making it the best they can at this time....

Unless they pose an immediate threat I'd leave em alone. If it's state land it's public land. While I've never done it, at several different times I have considered camping out to avoid renting for a month or two. I would have been pissed to be ratted out.

But.... if they seriously make you uneasy, or are doing other illegal things as suggested in other posts, call the cops and enjoy the show. :D
Report them immediately. If they are normal people down on their luck (whatever that means) then they belong in a shelter somewhere. The unemployment rate is at an historical low. A small apartment is affordable on any type of job, if you want one. Chances are extremely high that these people are criminals, and now they are living in the forest. How would you feel if they hurt someone hiking and you didn't report them? Chances are extremely high that they are drinking heavily, doing drugs, mentally ill, etc. This is a serious situation waiting to happen. Do you really think they are clean living, normal thinking, harmless people who simply can't find a job?

Your call.
quiet sun said:
I live near a trailhead and it seems there are some people living in the woods on state land. I know they are living there i've checked out their site. Each morning they leave and everynight they return. I don't know what to do but it concerns me.

There are times when I wouldn't mind doing this myself. Do they have any room at their site?

Seriously, if feel they are a definite threat to you and your family then you should contact a ranger but if they aren't bothering you then let them be. Perhaps they are just down on their luck and victims of the {insert the name of a certain political leader here} economy. Maybe they just can't deal with society right now. I know I've had days like that. :eek:

My only concern is if they have children with them and if those kids might need some medical care that the parents are not able to provide for them. In that case, out of concern, it might be prudent to have a Ranger check on them.
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quiet sun said:
I live near a trailhead and it seems there are some people living in the woods on state land. I know they are living there i've checked out their site. Each morning they leave and everynight they return. I don't know what to do but it concerns me.
May I ask, what state we are talking about here?
I have met up with some people squatting in the woods, and we left them alone. The next morning some of our camping stuff and food/beer was missing, but we couldn't very well go over to their site and do a search, so we left it alone. It's kinda obvious as to where the items went when you're 10 miles in the woods on an old road and no vehicles came by in the middle of the night.

I have no problem with people who obey the law, any law, as they're designed for a reason (even if I dont like them sometimes). If the state law says they cannot squat in one place too long (in Maine it's 2 consecutive weeks), then they need to abide by that law. Johnny Law also isn't out to get them, and may very well know they are around. But still, it never hurts to look into it before dropping the dime.

I am generally one of those who believes in live and let live, so I tend to keep to myself, but I also believe in knowing my surroundings.
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