Status of gate opening into Summer Sewards trailhead

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
With the idea that some of us want to grab Sawtooth #4 this Spring, I asked Sr Forester Kris Alberga about when he thought the gate might open on the Corey's road.
Kris was good enough to offer the background on the gate, so folks can be aware in future years as well:

" Re: Road gate into Sewards's trailhead

As you may know, the Town-maintained Corey's Rd. ends at the bridge over Stoney Creek. Past that point the road is a DEC road with a private right of way providing access to Ampersand Park. Like many other areas with similar situations, much of the maintenance of the road was undertaken by the ROW-holder. This is in large part a result of a shortage of State funds to maintain facilities on the Forest Preserve.

A number of years ago the Department reached a agreement with the owners of Ampersand Park regarding maintenance issues surrounding the Corey's Road Extension. The result of this was an agreement between the Ampersand Park folks and then-Regional Director Tom Monroe, which established the gate by the Raquette River Horse Assembly Area. The agreement that was struck was that the road would be gated from April 1 through "about May 15." Ampersand Park would continue maintenance of the road, but the road would be closed to public use during those times when the road was most susceptible to damage.

I will contact our local rangers and Ampersand Park to see if the conditions warrant an early opening. It may be a few days before I can get any kind of an answer back, but I will contact you directly with my findings. In general, we are somewhat conservative with opening gates in the spring. Road damage is expensive to fix and with dwindling funds, the State can not afford the luxury of repairing roads unnecessarily damaged form use during spring breakup.
Thanks again for your note. I hope to be back in touch with you in a few days with more information.