Stony Brook Trail?

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Feb 27, 2004
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Has anyone been out on the Stony Brook Trail in the last few days? Thinking of heading up for Moriah on Saturday, and just wanted to know the conditions. Thanks in advance. :)
Hi Christine,

Perhaps Atticus and I will see you along the way. Not sure of plans for Saturday yet but it is between Moriah, Isolation, Carters and Owl's Head. We'll make the decision later tonight or in the wee hours of the morning while up in the mountains.

A few days ago dritter (Damon) posted the following:


Conditions: Icy throughout, no snow requiring shoes, all crossings solid. A few bypassable blowdowns.

Special Required Equipment: Crampons worn from Carter Moriah junction to the summit and for majority of descent.

Comments: Best views of a long weekend spent hiking the Whites, wish I hadn't left the camera at home.

if you go to moraih stop by lyons for dinner ;)
Hiked it this past Monday, great trail with excellent views from the junction with the CM trail until Moriah summit. Far better approach to Moriah than from the Gorham end. Trail was well stomped with plenty of ice at the upper end that is likley covered with fresh snow now. Enjoy.
Hi Drew,

Would have stopped by but we didn't see your posting until today (Sunday), the day after. We will be checking the forecasts all week long and may see you up on Adams and Madison on Saturday. Atticus and I hope to do those and Jefferson, either on Saturday, Sunday or Monday.

Hoping to shake your hand on your impressive winter accomplishments.