Street and Nye 3/7/10

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Street and Nye from the Loj 3/7/10
Trail completely broken out and packed all the way. Easy to follow

Equipment Required: Snowshoes for whole trip. No need for crampons. I used my new MSR Lightning Ascents with the heel bar and am in love.

7 of us left the Loj parking lot at 9:00am. Indian Brook crossing snow-covered and firm. 2nd brook crossing has open water flowing nearby but there are alternatives should the rather small icebridge melt away. Absolutely beautiful day, cloudless and warm. We hiked in shirts, no hats, jackets or gloves needed. Great views hiking up (pretty relentless and steep). Hit Nye and then lunch on the ledge on Street at 12:15. Long lunch, napping and back down into much softer snow (great for butt sliding). Last mile was tough going as temps were in the 40s and snow very soft. Back to the HPIC at 3:30. These are great winter peaks!