Street Mtn: I lost my GPS HELP!!!

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New member
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Western PA
Hey all,

I along with a friend had a successful climb of Street Mtn on Sunday and we were the only group to summit that day I believe(trail broke sat.). I lost my blue Cobra hand-held GPS on the decent somewhere between 2400' and 3500 ft on the herd path. If anyone finds this PLEASE contact me via PM or my cell: 724.422.7938. I am very upset about this as it was a gift and has a great deal of sentimental value to me beyond it's replacement cost. We chose not to look for it because It was dark when i realized it was gone and my friend was exhausted and less experienced and I didn't want him to suffer any injury or excessive fatigue from my loss. Also i feel it may be near the higher end up this range because of all the the fallen belly-crawler trees, where my pocket likely got unzipped and it fell out. Ultimately it could have fallen in the snow and may not be visible for weeks, which was the main reason we didn't look higher up for it. Didnt want to get out of the woods at 2am with no luck finding it.

It would make my day if someone happens to find this and would return it to me or turn it in at the loj!


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