Success Pond Tract Purchase by the TCF

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In Rembrance , July 2024
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
I am not sure of the exact location along Success Pond Road but this purchase of some low elevation land is a step in the direction of protecting the Success NH area. The good news for the local economy is that the land will be managed for multiple use including sustainable forestry. There is little support regionally for additional federally protected tracts which tend to generate little revenue or employment for local residents and impact the tax base. This most likely will mean that at least some road access will be available in the coming years to at least some of the Success Pond Road trailheads. Here is the link to the article

Success NH is north of the Mahoosuc trail and contains Success Pond Road which had been heavilly harvested for the last 10 years by JR Dillon and Sons. Prior to Dillon's ownership it was one of longest managed industrial forests in the East, reportedly many of the early concepts of sustainable forestry were developed there. Unfortunately Dillon undid whatever was in place for a 100 years in less than ten and for the foreseeable future its going to be in early stage regeneration. Give it a few years and like the Jericho area its going to be a major wildlife haven as it transtitions from clear cut to transitional forest. I dont ever see it as much of hiking destination as the local mountains north of the Mahoosucs are wooded. Success Pond is about 3/4s developed with camps that are privately owned so there really is no major drawing card.

TCF also has an option on the Dillon lands when Dillon is done extracting whatever money can be made out of the former Brown Company lands which is majority of the township.

The Androscoggin Valley Regional Landfill also owns a large block of land surrounding their landfill on the west end of Success Pond road. A large part of it is designated conservation lands.