Suggestions for Devil's Path Backpack

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I think east to west is the standard fare for both dayhikes and backpacks... Because it's generally easier east to west and 214 makes a perfect resupply point after you finish the tough descent off Plateau and before the tough climb back towards Devil's Acre leanto. And Buck's viewpoint is a nice place to simply absorb the sun if you get there earlier than your ETA.

Also, if you are planning on arriving late on a day, you could always backpack in to the Devil's Kitchen leanto for an early start up Indian Head the next day, versus no leantos from spruceton road til you get to Diamond Notch.

And the tougher peaks are to the east too...

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How many days/nights are you planning?

For a three day/2 night I would plan

Day 1) Prediger Rd to Mink Hollow LT, 8.6 miles, 3,000' elevation
Day 2) Mink Hollow to Diamond Notch Falls LT, 8.6 Miles, 2,700 elevation gain
Day 3) Dia. Notch to Spructon Rd, 7 miles, 1,650 ' elevation gain.

Day 1) Spructon to Devils Acre LT, 9 miles, 3,300' elevation
Day 2) Devils Acre to Pecoy Notch (no Lean to) 9 miles, 3,000' elevation
Day 3) Pecoy Notch to Prediger Rd 6.4 miles 1,200' elevation

Have fun
imarchant said:
For a three day/2 night I would plan

Day 1) Prediger Rd to Mink Hollow LT, 8.6 miles, 3,000' elevation
Day 2) Mink Hollow to Diamond Notch Falls LT, 8.6 Miles, 2,700 elevation gain
Day 3) Dia. Notch to Spructon Rd, 7 miles, 1,650 ' elevation gain.

This is almost exactly the way we did it, except .....

Jay H said:
Also, if you are planning on arriving late on a day, you could always backpack in to the Devil's Kitchen leanto for an early start up Indian Head the next day .....
...... we arrived around 9pm on a Thursday night and hiked to the leanto at Devil's Kitchen, then hiked Friday, Saturday, and arrived at the second car on Spruceton road early afternoon on Sunday.