Pete Hogan
New member
After two successul and extremely rewarding Great White Adventures (2003; a 3-day Pemigewasset loop that took us over the incredible summits of Mt. Lincoln, Mt. Lafayette, Mt. Garfield, Mt. Hale, South Twin and North Twin along with two great Huts - Greenleaf and Galehead and 2004, a 4-day unforgettable Presidential Traverse and three hut experience in Madison, Lakes and Mizpah), I am in the planning stages of this year's adventure.
The comments and advice from people who have replied to my past inquiries have been so helpful. So I am (once again) seeking the council of our experienced White Mountain neighbors on this year's tentative plans.
I have basically two plans based entirely on weather. Please feel free to comment on either as I am looking for opinions on trails, routes, times, etc. The different starting points only reflect a desire to give the group two chances at the best possible weather windows for the Bonds Traverse. If the weather is favorable on the first day, we would begin at Lincoln Woods. If not, we would start at Crawford Notch allowing a day to elapse to (hopefully) take advantage of any passing fronts and a better second-day forecast for the Bonds.
Plan "A" begins at Lincoln Woods.
After spending an overnight at a motel on the drive day, we would hike to Bondcliff, Mt. Bond, and West Bond via the Lincoln Woods, Wilderness and Bondcliff Trails and then connect with the Twinway to continue our journey over Mt. Guyot, Zealand Mountain and Zeacliff concluding our day with an overnight at Zealand Falls Hut.
The second day would start with an option to hike Mt. Hale in the AM before heading for Crawford Notch. The afternoon would take us via the A-Z Trail to Mt. Tom, followed by the Willey Range Trail to Mt. Field and Mt.Willey before descending over the Avalon Trail to Mt. Avalon and ending at the Highland Center.
Plan "B" begins at Crawford Notch.
After spending an overnight in the new Highland Center, the first hike day would include Mt. Avalon via the Avalon Trail, followed by Mt. Field and Mt. Willey via the Willey Range Trail. We would then backtrack to junction with the A-Z Trail, ascending the spur trail to Mt. Tom before returning to the A-Z Trail to finish the day at Zealand Fall Hut for our second overnight.
The second hike day would start with an option to hike Mt. Hale from Zealand Falls Hut after breakfast, then (after lunch at the hut), we would climb via the Twinway to Zeacliff, Zealand Mountain, Mt. Guyot and traverse the Bonds ending at Lincoln Woods.
So, what do you think? How close am I to "getting right"? Any comments or helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.
Pete Hogan
The comments and advice from people who have replied to my past inquiries have been so helpful. So I am (once again) seeking the council of our experienced White Mountain neighbors on this year's tentative plans.
I have basically two plans based entirely on weather. Please feel free to comment on either as I am looking for opinions on trails, routes, times, etc. The different starting points only reflect a desire to give the group two chances at the best possible weather windows for the Bonds Traverse. If the weather is favorable on the first day, we would begin at Lincoln Woods. If not, we would start at Crawford Notch allowing a day to elapse to (hopefully) take advantage of any passing fronts and a better second-day forecast for the Bonds.
Plan "A" begins at Lincoln Woods.
After spending an overnight at a motel on the drive day, we would hike to Bondcliff, Mt. Bond, and West Bond via the Lincoln Woods, Wilderness and Bondcliff Trails and then connect with the Twinway to continue our journey over Mt. Guyot, Zealand Mountain and Zeacliff concluding our day with an overnight at Zealand Falls Hut.
The second day would start with an option to hike Mt. Hale in the AM before heading for Crawford Notch. The afternoon would take us via the A-Z Trail to Mt. Tom, followed by the Willey Range Trail to Mt. Field and Mt.Willey before descending over the Avalon Trail to Mt. Avalon and ending at the Highland Center.
Plan "B" begins at Crawford Notch.
After spending an overnight in the new Highland Center, the first hike day would include Mt. Avalon via the Avalon Trail, followed by Mt. Field and Mt. Willey via the Willey Range Trail. We would then backtrack to junction with the A-Z Trail, ascending the spur trail to Mt. Tom before returning to the A-Z Trail to finish the day at Zealand Fall Hut for our second overnight.
The second hike day would start with an option to hike Mt. Hale from Zealand Falls Hut after breakfast, then (after lunch at the hut), we would climb via the Twinway to Zeacliff, Zealand Mountain, Mt. Guyot and traverse the Bonds ending at Lincoln Woods.
So, what do you think? How close am I to "getting right"? Any comments or helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.
Pete Hogan