Summit Rock (attempt) April10, 2009

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Short Job

Jan 19, 2009
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Although Summit Rock on the Indian Pass Trail is not a mountain peak, it certainly qualifies as a view from the top. The view of Wallface is astounding from this perch, near the height of land on the Indian Pass Trail. We started from The Adirondack Loj, and met solid earth, soggy earth and rare patches of rotten ice, easily managed. The farther we went, the more snow there was on the trail proper, but it was solid and packed. Once we got past Scott's clearing, the forest floor was totally covered in snow, deep snow, even though the elevation gain was minimal. By staying on the packed area of trail, we rarely postholed. But once we got past the Cold Brook Pass Junction, postholing up to our thighs and beyond became common place, so we decided to turn around. By then, the snow that was firmly packed earlier was more like wet cement. We encountered no ice and stream crossings were all easy.
Equipment: waterproof boots, gaiters