Sunday 2/10----Colvin and Blake

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Sep 5, 2003
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Wilmington Peak
Well, my last planned trip to these two didn't work out. So lets try it again.

I want to get an early start, around 6am. If everything looks good I would be so inclined to attempt to go out over Nipple Top and Dial. Who's interested in this marathon? Looks to be around 16 miles. Nice loop, alot of steep stuff though.
There is a good chance I'll run into you (well, not literally I hope) if you do Dial/Nip on Sunday. I won't have the will to do all 4 though.
Hey Spencer, is this Saturday (2/10) or Sunday (2/11)? Al and I are thinking of doing Colvin/Blake on Sunday though probably not the whole loop or as early though. We have a long hike planned on saturday so sunday is more of the lazy hike for us. If you do this on sunday, we might run into you then, although hopefully not literally. :)

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Yes Sunday the 11th is what I meant.

Saturday will probobly be a lazy day for me. As Friday is a very possibly a Seymour hike.
how fast paced are you at hiking, my son and i may like to join you on sunday.

we would do colvin and blake, but not dial and nip-as we did that already and took us about 10hrs doing the loop in from elk pass and out over leach trl.
We're not super fast paced, but to get all four we'll need to move along fairly quickly. Everything needs to feel 100% (conditions, me) before I'll jump on Dial and Nippe Top. You're welcome to join us.
We might run into you then, we wont do nip/dial but quiet possibly blake/colv. We wont start till prob 7, which makes me think we'll pass each other in the col.