Sunday Catskills

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
Yo, thinking of heading over to the Catskills on Sunday 10/28. No itinerary yet or even certainty that I'm going. Hoping to get to a trailhead by 7 or 7:30 and hopin' to do a little 'whackin maybe. Some possibilities:

Fir/Spruce/Hemlock/Big Indian
Slide (done it before but would like to return)
Sugarloaf/Twin/Indian Head (done before but would like to return)
Chump Mountain
Maybe the Adirondacks. Hey, plans could change. Anyone wanna do Haystack?

-Dr. Wu
Let's narrow this down a little more. I'm planning on going up Big Indian via. the Biscuit Brook - Pine Hill - West Branch Trail (why so many names?) on Sunday. Starting at the Trailhead on West Branch Road at about 7:30 am. As far as route: Doubletop, Fir, Spruce are all possibilities as well as leaving Big Indian out of the equation and doing a long 'whack. If you have some interest in getting out on Sunday (should be a nice day) for a kind of open-ended hike, reply here or PM me.

Being the flighty sorta fella that I am, this is all subject to change. But I'm hoping to stick to this plan: Big Indian - Fir - Spruce.

-Dr. Wu
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