Sunrise via West Mill Brook.

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Date: 11-29-2007

Trail conditions: We were able to drive across the brook to the PA on West Mill. The road was deeply rutted and ADKJack's pickup hit bottom once or thrice but nothing serious. After 2 miles of trail up West Mill Brook we turned SW towards the base of Sunrise. There was an unmaintained but easy to follow trail for one mile up to a flooded area (beaver dam). From there it was an easy bushwhack to the base of Sunrise.

Lots of blow down for the first few hundred feet of climbing then open all along SE ridge to end of ridge at 3000 feet. Mild bushwhacking for final 600 vertical feet to summit with exception of big blowdown section 50 feet from summit. Roughly 4-6 inches of snow higher up, less lower down.

Total time 9:45 at unhurried pace.

No special equipment required.

[email protected]
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