T. P. as survival gear


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Great story, Waumbek, I love reading stuff like that. There's a hunter I wouldn't mind having in the woods when I'm hiking. :D Seriously, though, that's a great example of what to do if you get lost in the woods.
When I read that he fired signal shots and then stopped when he only had 2 bullets left I think that if he had a whistle with him he probably would've been found that night.
But it's still a cool story... and he's from my hometown :D
OK, so you're saying that my baby-wipes might not be that good?

One often hears cases of someone using X for some use. One frequently hears this about some X for starting fires. That does not necessarily mean that X is good for it, or should be carried because of that. For example I carry a GOOD thing for starting fires made of paper, wax, and lint. I have several firestarters as well.

I think the point to learn, is that one must look at what they have with them, and try to use what one can. However, I'm assuming that he was in an area with no birch trees, because their bark, even when wet, is a much better firestarter.
Pete_Hickey said:
I think the point to learn, is that one must look at what they have with them, and try to use what one can. However, I'm assuming that he was in an area with no birch trees, because their bark, even when wet, is a much better firestarter.
Paper money burns too...

(I suppose you could tear off ~1/3 of each bill with a serial number and see if you can get it replaced if you live that long... Or burn the ends last.)

forestnome said:
pinecombs work well, plus the smell is nice. :)
...and dry pine needles (sizzle!!).

Let's make this a "what can you burn?" thread and feed the dormant pyros inside us all :D
Pete, Are your firestarters egg cartons filled with dryer lint and paraffin (the box type for canning jam) ? If so, do you pack the lint tightly in the carton? How long do they burn for?
BorealChickadee said:
Pete, Are your firestarters egg cartons filled with dryer lint and paraffin (the box type for canning jam) ? If so, do you pack the lint tightly in the carton? How long do they burn for?
Sort of. I haven't tasted the most recent batch so I'm not exactly sure what is in them. A mix of lint, sawdust, small wood chips, toilet paper, and maybe... just for DougPaul... a few dollars... In the egg carton, then pour in the wax.

I don't know how long they burn for, because everytime I've used one, the fire is going well, before they run out. The junk in it acts like a wick on which the wax burns.
DougPaul said:
Vaseline-soaked cotton balls are also supposed to be a good fire starter. (Not sure how to work dollar bills into them, tho.) Haven't tried them myself.

I tried them in my fireplace and they burned really well. I packed an old, plastic flim canister (remember those?) with a bunch and tossed it into my emergency kit.