Tabasco - Multi-tool in the Mountains

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Mats Roing

New member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brighton, MA
It's more than just Hot and Spicy (Information mostly taken from a US Army article):

- Since 1993, an individual jar of Tabasco sauce has been included in each military meal.

- Cayenne is a main ingredient in Tabasco. The capsaicin in cayenne blocks a chemical involved in the nerve transmission of pain.

- Cayenne is also rich in salicylates, natural aspirin-like compounds. Have a headache and no aspirin? Massage a balm containing Tabasco into your temples.

- Your Tabasco sauce may be used as a gargle for sore throats. The most amazing and effective treatment is using 10-20 drops of Tabasco sauce in a glass of warm water.

- Your Tabasco sauce may be used to prepare a liniment for sore muscles. Capsaicin can dramatically reduce chronic nerve pain. Studies have proven its usefulness for arthritis, shingles, trigeminal neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy. It appears to act by decreasing the concentration of the primary chemical used by nerve cells to transmit pain signals. Several weeks of regular use may be required to achieve this effect.

- CAUTION: Cayenne pepper is a natural blood thinner. Do not take it before surgery or dental treatment! This also brings up the issue that it might mitigate certain types of high altitude sickness due to it's blood thinning capability.

- In a bare base situation with minimal civil engineer support, your Tabasco sauce may be used to create a home-made insect repellent to keep pests out of your tent.

PS. We had tabasco with us on also makes the freeze-dried stuff more edible :)
I second that!

I pick up packets from KFC and always have with me! I've heard of people rubbing it on their feet to keep them warmer (or make them more edible if hiking with cannibals)
..and with good aim, you can throw it in the eyes of somebody trying to mug you on the mountains!

trailbiscuit said:
If you have one of the little bottles, do not forget it's in your food bag that is stuck in a tree and then smashes on a rock. Really don't do this, if you food bag for hanging is your stuff sack for your tent—you'll have a hot n' spicy shelter.

Um...that's what I heard anyway. :eek:

Gives new meaning to 'acid rain' :eek:
trailbiscuit said:
If you have one of the little bottles, do not forget it's in your food bag that is stuck in a tree and then smashes on a rock. Really don't do this, if you food bag for hanging is your stuff sack for your tent—you'll have a hot n' spicy shelter.

Um...that's what I heard anyway. :eek:

Not sure how damage can be done if a plastic tabasco bottle hits a rock.....there are probably other things which can spill other than are probably talking a glass bottle......if you are smart enough to hang the food in a tree you probably don't bring glass bottles in the first place..... ;)
trailbiscuit said:
—you'll have a hot n' spicy shelter.

Um...that's what I heard anyway. :eek:
I know other ways to make a hot n' spicy shelter.. but perhaps that should be talked about on other forums ;)
leaf said:
I know other ways to make a hot n' spicy shelter.. but perhaps that should be talked about on other forums ;)
The Great Alaskan Bush Company might have a few ideas as well...... ;)
Mats Roing said:
- Cayenne is also rich in salicylates, natural aspirin-like compounds. Have a headache and no aspirin? Massage a balm containing Tabasco into your temples.
Cayenne can also dash from 0-62 MPH in 6.5 seconds and gulping down 11/17 MPG :p

It will thin your blood, may not cure your headache thou.
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skiguy said:
but it does'nt even make the top 54 on this Scoville list. .....uh oh did I say list...."Hots on Top" anyone?

That confirms the theory that Bear Spray can double as hot sauce out in the woods.....standard U.S. Grade Pepper Spray have a Scoville rating of 2,000,000–5,300,000 it looks like........hang up a dozen tortillas on a tree 20 feet away and give it a good spray......try to keep it less than 1/2 second since you only have about 8 seconds worth in a can......and you might need it when the bears are coming to participate in the tasty tortilla party :D