Tabletop & Phelps aka Watertop & Icetop, January 2, 2011

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Even though by now Watertop has probably turned into Icetop II, on Sunday the herdpath was a pretty stream. Nevertheless with careful footing we did not go ankle deep in water too often. Even at 4300’ we could hear water singing... at least at that elevation it was under the snow. All the way to Tabletop summit there was very little snow wherever the sun could shine and it was the same on the slopes of Phelps. Up and down Tabletop microspikes did just fine but as it got colder by the time Tony S. and I reached the upper ledges of Phelps we had to switch to full crampons to make any kind of upward progress. At 9:30AM between the Loj and Marcy Dam there was no snow to speak of in the woods and much mud on the trail in the morning which had thankfully hardened somewhat by the time we returned/6PM.