The 46 "pecious gold"

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mountain eagle

New member
Jan 1, 2007
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Dear every one, compatriots of the precious nature and of course, adventurers of the mountains.
It’s with a big pleasure that I use for my first time my privilege of new member of the web-site to make you know of a “SUPER DUPER” exiting project that concerns my son and me, Robert Villemure (mountain eagle).
Without waiting, I send the keyboard to my son Marc-Antoine that immediately wants to tell you his intensions!!!!!!!!!

Hello, my name is Marc-Antoine Villemure, I’m 10 years old and I live in Canada (Sainte-Julie in the East coast of Montreal).
I’m a fifth grade student at the Centre Éducatif Chante Plume at Varennes, an immersion school with the third language “the Spanish”.
Write now, I’m in a fund raisin (look explanation at the bottom of the letter) for a trip that I will have next year at my school. The trip is at Panama, in the beginning of summer 2008.

All with collecting my money (in Quebec only) for the trip, I would like to have an objective that I fond of up to four years old in hiking.

My objective: at the summer 2007 (July-August), realizing with my father the 46 high peaks that is more than four thousand feets, of the Adirondack, in less than one month.
This idea comes from my father…He knows about the Adirondacks and myself too…

My physical aptitudes

 Medal of first place in physical education with a record established into running; 1600m=7:52minutes.
 Many medals into horse back ridding.
 Karate

My qualities of leadership
 Competitive
 Dynamic
 Sense of humor, happy
 A real energetic ball

My hiking experiences

 Mt Giant (Adirondacks)
 Mts Mansfield and Camel Hump (Vermont)
 Mt Washington (New Hampshire)
 And many others in the Quebec…

All of those aspects make of me an excellent candidate to realize this event.
The way to integrate myself in an Anglophone in summer 2007 makes me very happy.
 You want to support me to establish my goal…
 You want to come and walk with me or collaborate with me
of the project.
 You want to be known of the evolution of my project…

Note that: It is very important to understand that I don’t want your money for the fund raising, but I request your support verbally and into coming walking with me at the Adirondacks.

Make me know of all of this on the web-site.

See you soon on trails!!!!
Robert and Marc-Antoine

It was with great delight that I read your first post on VFTT. I have the honor of being the first to say welcome to our on-line community.

Although I am not a frequent visitor to the Adirondacks, I look forward to reading about your detailed plans for these peaks and I would love to be able to join you on some of these.

Please also consider the other northeastern states of the USA, which also have many opportunities for hiking and climbing. My special interest at this time is in the mountains near the boundary between Quebec and the states of New Hampshire and Maine. I have had very enjoyable hikes last year to Mont Gosford, Mont Megantic, Saint Joseph and Victoria (in Quebec) and to many peaks on the boundary itself (such as Prospect Hill, Salmon, d'Urban, Marble, Saddle and numerous unnamed peaks). This summer I hope to do some hiking and climbing in the Monts Groulx area.

Please keep us informed of your detailed plans and again welcome.
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Hi Mountain Eagle, and welcome to this forum! You have set an admirable goal for yourself, and I wish you the best of luck! I know someone your age who lives near me, and who did the 46 in about a month, so your quest is certainly doable. In fact, he has many of the attributes you list. I don't know the statistics, but I will venture to say that relatively few 46Rs have completed this list in such a short time.

Your quest will take you to wonderfully majestic scenery on top of many of the peaks, and through a magnificent variety of trail hiking. It will also take you through a lot of mud, blowdown, and difficult hiking terrain (difficult, but also beautiful!). Weather will be an issue on some of your hikes. Of the "qualities" you mention, your sense of humor may be the most important. Be sure to add "patience" to that list.

My guess is that, with your attributes, you will succeed admirably! I certainly look forward to reading about your exploits, and your successful conclusion!

Again, best of luck to you! :D
Welcome Marc-Antoine. I have faith that you will finish what you set out to do. This goal you seek to accomplish is very doable and I wish you the best of luck.

The only factor I see to slow you down is wonderfull Adirondack weather. July and August being possibly the hottest months of the year, as well as the humidity can be over powering.

Can I ask why you would choose this time period and not a cooler month like mid-September to Mid-October.

Anyhow, I would be willing to join you on a couple adventures. Does any part of this adventure include carrying a second pack. :D

You should consider a few basecamps in the interior to maximize you climbing potential without loosing to much elevation each day. There are also many bushwhack routes and slides that can also cut down on distance without increasing the trips difficulty. These routes can also save you the frustration of retracing your steps.

Voice as many questions now, we're here to help.
Welcome Marc-Antoine and Robert. I will join you on some hike
with Stephanie and Mathieu. And Marc-Antoine on some hike if
you are to tired just let your father carry the packsack like last
july on Mt washington.

Rejean. :) :) :)