New member
After a month of planning, and then a morning of preparations, my wife Patti and I loaded up the Tracker, and set forth to battle the forces of evil (e.g. the eastbound traffic on Massachusetts Rt. 2). An hour later, after a 50 mile slog, we finally arrived in Lexington and celebrated the conquest with a large group of like-minded expeditioners. Also making the dangerous journey were Kris & Dan, Ginger, Eric & Valerie, Fatima & Jim, Julie, Seema, Rich & Pat. We all joined Audrey and Pat to celebrate Pat's birthday and to sample the enormous quantity of expedition vittles. It was wonderful to once again see those I'd met before, and better yet to meet the new faces as well. The wine was good, the pizza even better, and the conversation topped them all. Too many high points to mention...though I have to admit to Seema that my wife is now insanely jealous of her beautiful hair! 
Thanks Pat and Audrey for opening up your home to us all. Like the summits the day before, the conditions were perfect!
Thanks Pat and Audrey for opening up your home to us all. Like the summits the day before, the conditions were perfect!