The Bean Grows

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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
Just when you thought it couldn't get much bigger, LL Bean is expanding the Freeport store and adding new stores in the NE. At 136, 000 sf, the Freeport Bean would fit about four Paramus Campmors. Anybody remember the old LLB in Freeport with the worn wooden floorboards? I recall how unusual it was for a retail store to be open 24-7.
I remember those days. My dad usd to take us to Bean's at midnight just to avoid the crowds. It was such a treat just to be out that late, we'd talk about it for months. That was back in the time when they used to cater more towards hunters and outdoor people than yuppie's pretending to spend time outside. What more can they add besides monogrammed dog beds and $500 blankets.
LL Bean Freeport store closed

Since 1951, when Leon Leonwood Bean "threw away the key", the Freeport store has been open 24/7/365. But, and I believe this is true, the store closed for a day, once. When was it and why did it close?

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I'm not sure this is "Trips and Events" so I'm going to try "General Backcountry" even though Freeport isn't exactly backcountry. Not sure where else would be appropriate. :)

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I read this last night and thought to myself it'd be nice if they opened an LL Bean here in the Lehigh Valley. Well, I must have been a good boy all night because I open this mornings paper and voila!! Bean is opening a 30K sq foot store by October - right here!!! Now if we can only get the outlet store!!! :D

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Only the "Flagship" store,Freeport is open 24hrs. Most of the others seem to be outlet stores,and merchandise is hit or miss.
The competitors ain't sleepin! Have you seen the bigger and better Kittery Trading Post? I wouldn't be surprised to see them go to 24/7 pretty soon.
I had heard that the store closed briefly sometime between late evening on December 31, 1999 until sometime in the morning on January 1, 2000. I guess there was some doubt with it being Y2K compatible. :p
the starchild said:
do they serve coffee?

The Freeport main store does after 11PM. That and they'll let you rack out on the dog beds for a few winks and not bother you. When I worked for the Engineering company out of state I stop about once a week, and they were great. I'd get up after about 20 minutes (it was upstairs and around the corner, out of the way), go downstairs and get a free cup of coffee. They were really great people to talk to.
Bean's was real cheap late night entertainment for a poor law student and spouse many years ago. Of course gasoline was a lot cheaper then, too.

Come to think of it, even at today's gas prices it's still pretty cheap late night entertainment!
My guess for the 1963 closing was the big notheast blackout.

I've been going to the Bean store since it was just the upstairs part of a little building. Turtlenecks vest packs etc. There was a spot over in the corner for the markdowns. We'd travel during the night and get there real late. Wake the two kids up to go inside (on the way to arrive in Millinocket at dawn) and the two kids would pick up pins for something to do. The ssaleshelp always gave them a free Toberlone bar for helping out. It probably didn't hurt that we were stacking stuff up to buy too. When they opened up the markdown outlet in a corner of the downstairs I thought it was really cool to find such bargains. And the next year on the way donw the stairs taxidermy mounts appeared in the case. And then it grew... and grew... and grew.

I just want a factory outlet closer to New York.
We did two New years eve's there. the store had non-alcoholic champane and just before midnite they called the employee's to front desk and all of us drank and sung old lang zine.
Someone told me they closed for President Kennedy's furneral.